YNOT Brings Stability and Quality to a Dynamic and Unruly Industry
Adult webmasters who visited YNOTMasters.com yesterday were treated to the latest round of improvements for the popular adult webmaster resource site, including a brand new threaded message board. Thinking about how YNOT has evolved over the years, Connor Young says that the YNOT Network has achieved results through a talented and dedicated staff. Here are some thoughts on the YNOT Network and its crew.Adult webmasters who visited YNOTMasters.com yesterday were treated to the latest round of improvements for the popular adult webmaster resource site, including a brand new threaded message board. Thinking about how YNOT has evolved over the years, Connor Young says that the YNOT Network has achieved results through a talented and dedicated staff. Here are some thoughts on the YNOT Network and its crew.
Working in the adult industry has (for me) had its ups and downs, highs and lows, peaks and valleys and whatever other cliché you can think up to suggest both good times and bad times. Bad times, I say? Well, most of the bad times have come from the instability that this industry seems to be fighting on a consistent basis. The instability of the credit card processors. The instability of many sponsors and content providers – here today, gone tomorrow. The uncertainty surrounding the various legal issues that potentially affect us. Most people like stability, and I’m no different. Yet in the volatile environment that is the online adult entertainment industry, little stability can be found. Yet in the six-plus years I’ve worked in this industry I’ve found at least two things I can rely on: the majority of men will always want to see attractive naked ladies, and; the professionalism, quality and integrity of the YNOT Network.
Let’s face it, in an industry that sometimes drags us all to a lower level with public pissing matches and crooked marketing not uncommon, YNOT has been elevating us to a better place since its debut back in the mid-1\’\’0’s. The focus at YNOT has never been on sensationalistic publicity stunts or a hollow image of excess, but rather on good business practice by ethical adult webmasters. If you want to watch some guy with an inflated ego and little else to offer hurl insults at some other guy with similar credentials, then YNOT might not be the best resource site to visit; if improving your business, staying informed, finding solutions and networking with serious adult webmasters is your goal then YNOT has what you want. I know this because I have been using YNOT as a daily online destination for the five years, and in five years they have yet to let me down.
What makes the YNOT Network work so well where other sites fail? It’s my belief that the answer to that question lies in the dedication and talent of its staff. Jay Kopita (also known as LAJ) is Editor if YNOT News, and his work is both enthusiastic and tireless. Jay never backs down from a public debate, and he’s also one of the few people I know who isn’t afraid to seriously consider the arguments of his opponents. You ought to see this guy obsess over the set-up of the YNOT booth at tradeshows… nothing short of perfection is acceptable.
And how about YNOT Bob, the one guy who never seems to run out of time for those who ask for his help. Personally I don’t know how he manages to do it, since there’s only so many hours in the workday and the demands on Bob’s time aren’t trivial. Yet I’ve never heard anyone suggest that Bob passed on a request for his help. Bob seems to know everybody in the online adult industry, and he’s a wealth of information for the newbie adult webmaster and industry vet alike. Add this to the fact that Bob’s funny, charismatic and easy to approach and you’ll get a good idea why this guy’s an asset that YNOT would never undervalue.
I’ve had the pleasure to meet Greg Geelan (also known as Otto) several times and can say that Greg is a genuine individual who is greatly concerned with business ethics and the health of this industry. Greg is the kind of guy who will lend his support to efforts that improve the image or stability of online adult entertainment. Another thing about Greg… if you plan to engage him in public debate then you’d better bring your “A” game! Greg is well informed and doesn’t toss out his opinions lightly, which is rare these days and the sign of a true professional.
Gary Grigoryan and Jim Ruga generally work behind the scenes at YNOT, making sure that sites like YNOTMasters.com are constantly improved and maintained. In fact, improvements at YNOTMasters.com prompted me to write this little tribute to YNOT – yesterday afternoon YNOTMasters.com launched its latest improvements, which include threaded message boards, board moderators, enhancements to the Webmaster Directory, and improvements to the site’s overall design. These changes should leave no doubt in the minds of adult webmasters that YNOT has plans to stick around for a while.
So my hat’s off to the crew over there at the YNOT Network. Congratulations on years of improving the face of online adult entertainment. Congratulations on the most successful adult webmaster resource site in the history of the Internet. And congratulations on a kick-ass new design at YNOTMasters.com – I know the staff has been working its ass off for some time now to make this new site a reality. Yet as good as the new site is, why do I have the feeling that some members of the YNOT crew are already planning the next round of improvements?
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Connor Young is Editor-in-Chief of The ADULTWEBMASTER Magazine.