Xbox Kinect: Play With Yourself
YNOT – Kyle Machulis, alias qDot, is a geek’s geek. A researcher who specializes in alternate input mechanisms and haptics, Machulis takes a great deal of pride in combining two of his great loves: sex and technology. He’s most famous for using teledildonics to teach concepts in software, electrical and mechanical engineering. According to Machulis, “paradigms for interfaces people would use for intimate encounters on computers can be extended to other usage experiences.”
His latest pronouncement in the tech-and-sex sphere may change the definition of “multiplayer.” Machulis, whom New Scientist magazine termed “a Kinect-hacking authority,” believes Kinect — an interactive interface for Microsoft’s Xbox gaming system — will be the next big thing in interactive porn.
For those living in caves, the Kinect watches and reads a player’s body movements. In broad terms, the gadget allows a gamer’s body to become his or her controller for the action on the screen. According to Machulis, someday soon, hands — and other body parts — may become … well, you figure it out.
“I bet we’ll see Kinect porn and possibly Kinect Skype services within the month,” Machulis told The Escapist for an article published Dec. 1.
Kinect units already have been hacked and repurposed for a wide variety of uncommon uses, including controlling web browsers with gestures and performing digital puppet shows. However, there remain quite a few stumbling blocks to waving your (ahem) “wand” and causing Mario to jump more than a few rolling barrels.
“The pattern the Kinect uses to get depth data is made for picking up full bodies to control video games. [It] isn’t quite so good at picking up minutiae about those bodies,” Machulis told The Escapist.
Porn fans might question Machulis’ evaluation of “minutiae,” considering a few well-endowed volunteers more than likely could be read by a Kinect from even a block away. But, considering the joy hackers like Machulis take in tinkering with technology, we predict his prediction is right on the money shot. Who could resist an interactive video game that takes stimulation to a whole new level?