Vintage Taboo: Breathing Life into Antique Erotica
The legendary “dirty postcards” of WWI France. The busty black and white babes hidden in your grandfather’s filing cabinet. The hirsute sex maniacs of the 1960s; they all live in the world now know as “vintage porn.”When it comes to vintage porn, few sites offer it so completely and neatly as recently caught up with MS. Taboo, one of the people behind Vintage Taboo, to learn more about their obsession with antique erotica:
YNOT: What’s on your site?
Ms. Taboo: Our collection is extensive and diverse. We have about 20,000 photos and over 200 movies to date. We add to the site at least five days a week. The photos and movies range from the very early 1900s through the 1960s. We’ve categorized our collection into decades and then further into types of photos like: Hardcore, Blowjobs, Boobs, Derrieres, Girlfriends, Spanking, Cheesecake, Fetish, Hose, French Postcards, Burlesque, Stars and Magazines. In our movies selection we have the films by decade and a big selection of Stars of the time.
YNOT: How did your site come about?
Ms. Taboo: It was by accident, or happenstance. My partner and I found a box of old porn at a swap meet. I don’t think the seller had any idea it was in there since it was buried beneath a few dozen books. We were amused and then had the bright idea to sell them on eBay. Well, that never happened… instead we became collectors and eventually decided to put up our own vintage porn website.
YNOT: Is there truly a market for vintage porn?
Ms. Taboo: There is, although it is a niche market. It is kind of like music, we all tend to still listen to the genre of music that we listened to in our youth, right? Well, porn is similar. Generally speaking we like to look at the porn of our generation. Nothing is written in stone of course because the younger generation is inquisitive and therefore our site, Vintage Taboo, offers something different.
YNOT: Given how much vintage porn you’ve seen, what has changed over the years in how porn is shot?
Ms. Taboo: I’ve looked at tens of thousands of pictures of vintage porn. The main change from today’s porn is, of course, color. Most of our collection is in black and white or sepia tone. The models from the past have public hair but aside from that there isn’t any position shot today that wasn’t shot in the early 1900’s.
YNOT: Did any of the early porn surprise you, even shock you?
Ms. Taboo: Surprise yes, shock no. Like many people of my generation, we think we invented sex and all the ways to enjoy it. We just figured that our parents did it missionary style. Nothing could be further from the truth.
YNOT: Finally, do people ever worry that they’re getting off to pictures of their grandmother ;)?
Ms. Taboo: If they do, they certainly don’t let us know about it… it’s their little secret.