Tourism Queensland “Best Job” Applicant Spurned for Porn Past
BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND — As anyone who has ever violated a meaningless social taboo knows, often the only real harm done is by society in response to the violation. Such appears to be the lesson that Julia Yalovitsyna is learning, much to her chagrin and loss of a potential job.Russian Yalovitsyna was one of 50 people whose names were selected to populate a very short list of likely candidates for what is being billed as the “best job in the world.” More than 34,000 job hopefuls initially applied for the position, which pays $9,000 per month and involves protecting a Great Barrier Reef island.
Alas for short-listed and therefore clearly qualified Yalovitsyna, she has had other jobs in the past – at least one of which some not only do not consider to have been the “best” but do consider to be immediate grounds for ending all negotiations or considerations.
What is the job that has returned Yalovitsyna to the rolls of the unemployed?
While details are few, it appears that the pretty blonde at one point in her life opted to remove some or all of her clothing and engage in some manner of sexy behavior while her husband operated a functioning camera. In time, the video was placed on the internet.
Now Tourism Queensland’s Top 50 candidates number 49, because the agency can not bear the thought that one of its employees might have participated in what CEO Anthony Hayes calls “an inappropriate” video.
So long $150,000 work contract complete with six months worth of rent-free Hamilton Island home, complete with swimming pool and golf course!
Of some comfort to Yalovitsyna, who has a degree in marine biology and insists that she has never been an online erotic model, although she has posed for some photos in the pasty, may be the support that some Australians have shown for her plight. reports that readers have sent in supportive observations including an observation that “Her hotness will lure more men to that overpriced place,” and “Her accent is totally mind blowing.”
Alas, Yalovistyna’s husband is said to be under investigation for distributing the video of his comely wife and her computer is currently in the hands of the Moscow police.
The Top 11 candidates – assuming none of them have ever flashed during Mardi Gras or taken a saucy cell phone snapshot of themselves, will be announced early in April.