TopBucks Mobile Goes B2B with TB Mobile Services
YNOT – Affiliate program TopBucks Mobile on Thursday revealed a new division the company says will help content owners make a low-cost, high-quality entry into the adult mobile market.“TB Mobile Services is a logical expansion of our mobile product line,” said Liam Colins, director of business development for TopBucks. “Ever since we first launched TopBucks Mobile, one of the questions we’ve been asked frequently is ‘Do you build mobile sites for other adult companies?’ After being asked that question a few times, it became clear to us that there was a need among content owners to deliver their content via the mobile internet — a need that TopBucks is uniquely well-positioned to fill.”
Although the company only now is making its business-to-business division publicly known, TB Mobile Services already has completed mobile properties for three clients: Acid Rain, Bijou World and Grooby Productions. A fourth well-recognized brand,, signed on as a client just this week, Colins said.
“TopBucks is known for developing high-end mobile websites and was a perfect fit for developing our flagship website’s mobile presence,” said Grooby President Steven Gallon. “Shemale Yum has been in operation for over 14 years, providing members with an immense amount of unique photo and video content to enjoy, and our mobile offering will provide the same high-end user experience that fans have come to expect from a Grooby Productions website.”
Colins said TB Mobile Services is selective when deciding which studios and producers with which to work, actively seeking out “partners who offer unique and excellent content while focusing on their brand and infrastructure.
“TBMS is not just your typical mobile template site or white label,” he said. “These sites are unique creations that offer a true mobile user experience. We are looking to form lasting relationships with excellent companies. As such, we are limiting the number of clients that we work with on a basis of quality to ensure that our work goes toward sites that add real value to the developing mobile market.”
For more information, contact Colins via email.