Spanish Porn Site Saves Charitable Minded Wives
SPAIN — All too often porn haters regale all who will listen with tales of broken marriages, obsessive addiction, drug abuse, and any other social ill that can possibly be laid at the feet of erotic expression. An assortment of charitable Spanish housewives know different, however, and have courageously stripped nude in order to help make the dreams of children come true. Serradilla del Arroyo is a small, remote Spanish village with a mere 400 citizens. Seven of those citizens hoped that they could raise enough money to fund a children’s leisure center by posing nude for a 2008 calendar.
Alas, not as many of their neighbors as they had hoped wanted to pay to see them wearing nothing more than holiday tinsel, elf hats, rifles, strategically places cakes, or bits of fur.
Although the well-intended ladies managed to sell 1,500 copies of the calendar, another 5,500 languished – until last month, when the calendar’s printer sued for the outstanding $85 balance, plus twice as much in damages.
“We were fighters, but now we are truly disillusioned,” Rosa Garín confessed to the media. “We don’t even have the money for a painting workshop for our kids.”
News that Ryanair stewardesses had sold 70,000 copies of their own naught calendar only made the entire situation worse for Garín and her six companions.
“OK, so they are better looking,” she conceded, “but we think that you buy this kind of thing because of the cause, not for how hot the woman is.”
Suddenly Spain was awash in sympathy for the artfully, if barely, clad fundraisers. Chief among the sympathizers was, a Spanish site dedicated to amateur porn. Because the site owner believes the calendar is “such a good idea for such a noble cause” he has promised to pay off the printer debt, because the women’s efforts “did not deserve to end this way.”
Although initially wary of the offer, Garín says that “independently of what they do, this company has been wonderful to us. If we have to do it again, we’ll do it.”