Sex May Boost Workplace Performance
DALLAS – Maybe companies need to rethink the whole ban-on-sex-in-the-workplace thing. New U.S. research indicates increasing sexual activity may boost problem-solving skills on the job.According to Dr. Helen Fisher, chief scientific adviser to the dating website, the byproducts of sex assist workers in problem-solving, confidence and teamwork.
“In addition to being great exercise and a stress reliever, sex triggers the release of a number of valuable brain chemicals,” Fisher noted in a prepared statement. “From improved problem-solving as a result of heightened dopamine levels to enhanced teamwork skills due to a flood of oxytocin, there are a number of positive benefits which can improve performance in the workplace.”
To prove her theory, Fisher studied a sample of 40,000 members. Fifty-six percent of the subjects were female, and the average age across both genders was 37. Her results indicated the dopamine rush one experiences during sex aids creativity for some time afterward. It only stands to reason, she noted, that regular sex makes workers more creative.
In addition, both men and women benefit from a powerful brain-chemical cocktail created during the sexual act. The residual feelings of trust, attachment and calm promote teamwork.
As for confidence, competence and wellbeing, those are engendered by raised testosterone levels that occur in both genders during and immediately after intercourse.
So, uh, perhaps it’s time to take down the corporate porn firewalls in the interest of better employee performance.