Porn Shop Owner Fights Back Against Armed Robbers
MELBOURNE — Many has been the time when anti-porn forces have wished they could take the law into their own hands. On Monday, one Australian porn shop owner had the questionable good fortune of being able to do precisely that.Just prior to 6:00 pm AEDT on Monday, two armed gunmen relieved a milk bar clerk of the contents of his cash register.
Not long afterwards, the duo decided to do the same thing at an adult book store. Little did they know that the store’s owner wasn’t nearly as agreeable to such behavior as the clerk at their previous hit.
Instead of handing over the cash and prizes, reports that he struck one of the gunmen in the arm with the cash register itself. Then he chased them into the street.
Although Melbourne police praise the shop owner for his courage, they caution others against following his example.
“They were brave,” Senior Constable Danny Taylor admits, “but from a police point of view, we would certainly say that for the safety of the victim and other people involved that it’s best to comply with the requests of the offenders.”
Nonetheless, Taylor confesses that, “I would dare say that on this occasion it’s certainly a brave action, what he’s done.”
Taylor says that the police force believe a third person is involved in the crimes, most likely driving a getaway vehicle. Authorities continue to search for the trio.