Porn Goes Wireless: Getting Your Piece of the Wireless Gold Rush
With the number of wireless Internet users on the rise and the need for adult webmasters to consistently seek out new ways to promote their products and sites in an over-saturated market, porn mobility will become another marketing alternative for adult entertainment businesses around the world.With the number of wireless Internet users on the rise and the need for adult webmasters to consistently seek out new ways to promote their products and sites in an over-saturated market, porn mobility will become another marketing alternative for adult entertainment businesses around the world.
Although it is well known that the wireless Internet network in the United States is behind the rest of the world in availability and speed, the market is ever increasing with the launch of new mobile products from phones to hand held devices. Adult webmasters are just beginning to tap the international porn market with the use of dialers and translation services, but the competition for adult entertainment websites is global, not just from the United States. So what kind of potential are we looking at when it comes to audience and demographics?
Before we delve into the details of expanding to a new technology, first we need to find out what it’s worth, to whom we will be marketing, and the accessibility of this audience.
While more options for lower cost devices and new technology expand across multiple platforms it’s hard to say exactly just what the potential is, but no one is denying that it’s there, untouched, unsaturated, and ready to roar.
Before I began this article I have to admit I did not know my Palm from my PDA. After some research and some help from The Pocket Porn Guru, Steve Tietze “Gateway” of Pocket XXX, I was able to piece together some good information about the mobile market.
When you think of a WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) device think of the screen on your mobile phone; although most web servers will allow you to serve .wml pages accessible from the wireless web, these web pages or “cards” can only contain basic text information, links, and very limited imagery due to screen capabilities and download speed. Titmowse of Cozy Frog has written an excellent three part article “Pockets of Porn” on how to create these types of WAP pages if you wish to provide adult jokes or textual entertainment, but this technology is not exactly ideal or relevant for the PDA market. PDA’s are often in color and display a web page similar to how it would appear on the web, including images.
According to “Gateway” Steve, the easiest way towards getting your wireless adult site up and running is to research and choose what device you wish to target, such as cell phones, PDA’s, Palm Pilots, Pocket PC’s or other wireless Internet devices. Think towards the future and how cell phones will become more and more like a PDA as new products arise such as the new Sony CLIE handheld or the Handspring Treo.
Given, adult webmasters have enough to do to keep afloat; learning a whole new programming language and market seems like a big jump. But if you don’t start learning now, you could be missing out of profits for years to come. There are some easy ways to get started; In fact, publishing web pages on any wireless device is very similar to publishing an HTML page. Making your web site both Internet friendly and PDA friendly may only require some minor changes. Keep your pages small, graphics compressed, and the navigation simple. Optimizing Web Pages for Handheld Devices by Marty Kacin is a great article to help you get started.
Since a wireless connection would be used mostly for the surfing and collection of needed information, promoting your adult PDA or wireless site in a PDA type search engine would be a great place to start. Also, promoting your site by using text links that mention your site is PDA enabled will help to capture the attention of a PDA user. One of the top WAP adult engines is: Others can be found at Yahoo. Essentially adding a few extra keywords related to being wirelessly enabled will help bring wireless surfers to your site – the key promotional factors being enhanced privacy and discretion.
Although there are many challenges when it comes to bridging the gap from the Internet to the wireless web, the potential is there and skyrocketing fast. It’s up to you to embrace or ignore change; HOW you run your business IS your business. In the meantime do the research, investigate the potential, and make partnerships now. There is plenty of room for the development and growth of programs and services to help webmasters cross over, but with any boom it’s oftentimes the one who gets there first who will be the last one standing.
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Cynthia A. Fanshaw is a guest writer for The ADULTWEBMASTER Magazine. A full time search engine marketer for over 4 years, Cynthia is the Marketing Director at and contributing writer for Her focus is to help webmasters by developing marketing tools and resources, and to communicate good information about Internet marketing strategies.