New Site Offers Producers Cash for VR Content
TORONTO – A company that offers marketing services to producers of traditional adult content has expanded its repertoire into virtual-reality marketing with the launch of a new website., a Pimproll product, offers to turn “virtual reality videos into real money for producers on a per-view basis.” According to information on the website, producers upload their videos in any format, and people behind the scenes at Paid Per View reformat the material as needed. The owner then assigns exclusive tube-site rights to PPV, which guarantees it will “keep track of impressions and give a generous cut on advertising revenue.”
“Paid Per View is successful because it pays out based on video views rather than requiring the direct purchase of content,” explained PPV spokesman. Exactly how successful PPV is remains a mystery, since the site only recently launched.
Nevertheless, according to Phil, “monetizing content properly means maximizing the number of ways your videos earn you money and layering those profits on top of one another. Now that Paid Per View is able to accommodate VR content, we are seeing a spike in traffic for what may soon become the most important niche of the entire adult market.”
Among the responsibilities incumbent upon uploaders are applying proper niche tags, model names, channel choices and branding information for promotion.
The PPV interface allows content owners to choose the VR display format that best suits their work and select 180- or 360-degree arcs to make finding the VR of their dreams easy for consumers.
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