New DMCA App Gives Notice on the Go
LONGWOOD, Fla. – An adult industry attorney has released a mobile application designed to help content owners enforce their intellectual property rights on the go.
QuickDMCA, developed by noted First Amendment attorney Lawrence G. Walters, allows “the quick and easy creation of a legal Notification of Infringement under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act,” according to a statement on the product’s website.
“QuickDMCA permits copyright owners, or their agents, to expeditiously send DMCA notices to [internet service providers], hosts, billing processors or other companies providing services to publishers of infringing content,” the site notes. “Under federal law, after receiving a DMCA notice, the service provider is obligated to disable access to the content or cease providing services to the infringing material. Repeat infringers must have their accounts permanently terminated.”
At the touch of a button, QuickDMCA enables mobile users to generate DMCA notices with the proper legal language and information specified by U.S. law, and send the notices straight from their phones. Every minute content is displayed on infringing websites costs the content’s owner money, time is of the essence in taking action to have the content removed. In order to avoid liability for vicarious infringement, websites, hosts, billing processors, name servers and payment gateways often respond to DMCA notices within days—sometimes within hours.
The software helps content owners find the proper designated agent for service providers and then creates a DMCA notice containing required information including the content owner’s contact information, the location of the infringing content and the necessary electronic signature. Once the notice has been sent, the app saves a copy for the content owner’s records.
“Copyright lawsuits can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to pursue, with no guaranty of result,” marketing materials note. “QuickDMCA solves a common cyber-theft problem” for much less.
The $4.99 app is available for Apple and Android devices.
Other products electronic products developed by Walters include BirthDateVerifer and Quick2257.