New Affiliate Program: Forbidden Gem Cash
YNOT – Six weeks after launching its first teen website, Forbidden Gem Productions has launched an affiliate program that soon will offer all-exclusive content in the MILF, fetish and babe genres, as well.“With years of original content in our library and much of it already housed on, we felt the time was right to create an affiliate site,” said co-owner and featured adult model Naomi St. Claire. is available for promotion now, and several more will be live before the end of the year, St. Claire added.
“We are looking at launching nearly another half-dozen sites before the end of 2010, each featuring all-exclusive MILF or teen content, and one with both, but with a serious twist,” she said. “We think one of our new sites will turn the industry upside down on its ear when it launches, so it would be wise for webmasters to get on board now and start racking up referrals.”
Employing a 50-percent revshare and 10-percent referral model for affiliates, Forbidden Gem Cash offers payouts through Epoch and resides on a NATS back-end.
“We firmly believe in the profitability of the affiliate program business model,” said co-owner Buster Thompson. “Even during the beta-testing period, we saw conversation rates on that reassured me this was the right thing to do. Tube sites may have put a serious dent in affiliate sales over the years, but we are seeing a comeback, and there is nothing that really compares to the quality and sheer volume of exclusive content that our members have enjoyed.”
Promotional tools include free-hosted galleries, regularly updated exclusive content and full-page ads.