More on “Polititian Fired for Pornstar Wife” Story
First look at the firing “without cause” of Fort Myers Beach, FL, City Manager Scott Janke “for his wife, Jazella Moore, being a pornstar” makes the mayor and city council out to be villains… BUT:The mainstream media got it wrong. Why do I say that? Here is my breakdown.
First, my initial research. Second, Both Kiker and Janke are still friends by both their admission. The facts recounted by Kiker and Janke are identical. Janke isn’t pursuing a lawsuit. Only certain facts are consistently ignored by ALL media in print about the incident.
The facts:
The story “Politician’s Pornstar Wife” appeared on Adult Industry News ( Friday the 17th. It took until the following Tuesday for the local news sources to notice and a reporter to call and question Mayor Kiker. He in turn called Scott Janke and asked if it was true. It was.
Janke told Kiker he would resign for the good of the town with compensation if the council thought it was best for the community, but it was Mayor Kiker, backed up by the town council, who voted to use a clause in Janke’s contract and fire him “without cause” which would be a way to give Janke — the well-respected by all town manager, six months severance with medical! I’d say not only is Janke a man of integrity to offer a resignation BEFORE this media frenzy, for the good of Fort Myers Beach, but Mayor Larry Kiker should be viewed as good Mayor and friend! He was concerned about his town and the Jankes’ welfare.
A good mayor and friend, perhaps, who didn’t understand that a story about an immediate action of this sort, if miss-interpreted, would grow legs and run through every major news service in the United States of America!
Everyone in Fort Myers Beach should be proud of both of these men, and America, you should go visit this beautiful little place. I hear it has a Hooters, a strip club, some tattoo parlors, and beautiful beaches. My kind of place!
And what of Jazella Moore? Well everyone I can find who knows her has only good things to say about her. She was a single mother of triplets before she and Janke got married last October 28th, and has exhibited a caring benevolence in dealing with the schools, organizations, and citizens of Fort Meyers Beach, AND has made time to continue the profession she chose as a single mom and do scenes in the adult arena. I would say that would be a bit stressful. However, she’s professional and well liked in both her public and private life.
Even though this story is true and accurate, I doubt most mainstream media outlets will be interested in it because it’s factual, doesn’t have a body count, and by running it they would acknowledge they got it wrong. Oh, and both Kiker and Janke read this story prior to publication and agree it’s accurate.
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