Masking the Naughty Parts
1. Masks are a very important part of the work of any designer whether one uses Flash or Photoshop. Using masks, you can easely hide a “graphic” (read: erogenous) part of an image.SITE DESIGN TIPS
1. Masks are a very important part of the work of any designer whether one uses Flash or Photoshop. Using masks, you can easely hide a “graphic” (read: erogenous) part of an image. you should utilize this technique especially on your tour pages so kids can’t see the naughty parts. Let’s start today with drawing this logo:
2. Now duplicate this layer and set the “MASK” property as shown below:
3. Create the new layer just below Layer 1 and let’s import the image, convert it to graphic and set Alpha to 70:
4. Let’s make a little movie! Select our image and convert it to a movie clip. Edit this movie clip and create new keyframes in timeline at positions 10 and 20; select the 10th keyframe and drag the image a little bit down. Now create the movie tweens.
5. Cool! And here is the result:
codebase=”,0,0,0″ WIDTH=470 HEIGHT=120>
Abooze design’s latest portfolio work includes (for Flash) Candy Teen Sex, and for HTML: XXX Porn Works.