Legal Prostitutes Renounce Sex Doll Brothels
Pahrump, NV– A group of sex workers are speaking out against sex doll brothels. Licensed prostitutes from Sheri’s Ranch, a legal brothel that employs humans, are concerned about the negative impact sex doll brothels may have on their profession.
Allissa, a sex worker employed at Sheri’s Ranch, said that she became concerned about the negative implications of promoting sex with inanimate dolls resembling women when she learned that at least one sex doll rental business, Kinky S Dolls, has been open in Canada for over a year. Kinky S Dolls currently has plans to open an outlet in the United States – Houston, TX to be exact.
“It’s dehumanizing,” Allissa said of sex doll brothels. “Sex workers offer more than just a simulation of a woman, we offer authentic intimacy and two-way affection that our clients deeply crave and sincerely benefit from.”
I would like to introduce the possibility that not all people want the exact same things from a sexual encounter. While those who seek out sex workers of Allissa’s caliber may want authentic intimacy and two-way affection, there are many other humans in the world who want different things from a sexual encounter. As such, they may be inclined to seek out different types of sexual encounters.
According to press materials, Allissa also believes that sex doll brothels promote an unhealthy view of sex and that engaging sexually with a doll can warp a man’s ability to interact with a real woman — and while I appreciate Allissa’s standpoint, I feel compelled to ask her to please slow her role.
Allissa’s argument neglects to consider complex reasons why a person may opt to engage sexually with an inanimate object, many of which are related to mental health and emotional wellbeing. Her arguments, consequently, dance quite close to wives’ and girlfriends’ (and wider society’s for that matter) dismissal of clients’ rationales behind visiting escorts.
Roxanne Price, another sex worker a Sheri’s Ranch, believes that in addition to promoting an unhealthy sex life, sex doll brothels lead to a more violent attitude toward sex workers and women in general.
“The idea that women should be like dolls — unresponsive and lethargic during sex — is downright dangerous,” Price said. “I feel that sex doll brothels support the idea that sex workers are mere objects, devoid of agency, to be used and abused by their patrons.”
“Sex dolls are ‘rape-fantasy’ objects that men can mistreat and abuse without consequences,” Price said. “Men should not be using sex dolls as training wheels for seeing a human sex worker.”
Tracy Clark-Flory, writing for Jezebel, recently considered French activists working in opposition of sex doll brothels, alleging that these types of outlets were places that generate money (!!) and “where you rape a woman.”
Clark-Flory’s commentary is pertinent: “You can’t rape a non-sentient silicone doll any more than you can rape a vibrator or a Fleshlight,” she wrote. “It’s certainly possible that some Xdolls customers have rape fantasies—many people do, male and female—and they might very well use the dolls to enact them. But would that encourage the abuse of actual humans? It’s a question that’s been asked endlessly around violent video games, and research doesn’t support a link to real-world criminal behavior.”
Red Diamonds, a sex worker who has worked in Nevada’s legal brothel industry for over ten years, said that sex doll brothels are not a substitute for a real client-courtesan experience.
Diamonds’ point here is true: Sex doll brothels are not a substitute for a client-courtesan experience, but who the heck is saying that they are?