Kinky Gay Pix Inspire San Francisco Welfare Office Discipline
SAN FRANCISCO, CA – A kinky San Francisco child welfare supervisor may well get spanked soon, but not in a fun way. The Department of Human Services is pursuing the possibility of firing the supervisor after discovering that she had downloaded and circulated gay SM photos featuring a psychiatrist who works with the city’s foster care program.Although the psychiatrist is not in any trouble and is not accused of violating any city work rules, both the supervisor who distributed the images and the higher-ups who knew about it but did not report the actions may well be.
Department sources indicate that the child welfare division employee in question began sharing fetish photos that she had found on several months ago. The pix prominently featured an area psychiatrist and were soon making their way around the department and up the management ladder.
Although department director Trent Rhorer had little to say about the case, insisting that it was a personnel matter, he did acknowledge that an internal investigation into “how the matter was handled” is underway and likely to continue for weeks. In the meantime, the supervisor accused of circulating the photos has been held responsible for creating a hostile work environment and may well be searching the online wanted ads, in addition to any saucier fare.