JuicyAds Expands Product Offerings with Custom AdZones
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. – With the launch of a new product the company calls Custom AdZones, advertising network JuicyAds has broadened the range of services it provides adult publishers and advertisers.In addition to standard ad sizes and shapes offered by most networks — leader boards, skyscrapers and 468-pixels-wide banners, plus 30 other formats for images and text — Custom AdZones allows publishers to include in their inventory the odd spaces and formats they previously had to sell by hand or leave blank.
By employing simple HTML and CSS codes, publishers can define AdZone templates “that will fit just about anywhere,” according to JuicyAds owner Jay (aka tigermb). “Webmasters can format them any way they’d like and include any image size they’d like. The only design limitation is your own imagination.”
In other words, almost any leftover space on a publisher’s website now can bear a potential revenue generator.
“Many publishers really want full customization, or ask for ad sizes to be added,” Jay explained. “We can’t add every size people want, so turning over creative control to the publishers is our solution. There really are no more excuses. You can setup your own ads on our system, using a custom zone. That’s freedom; that’s control. What else do you really need?”
Although publishers may employ both the standard JuicyAds system and Custom AdZones at the same time, Custom AdZones is not the best solution for everyone, Jay cautioned. Publisher-defined zones will not accept filler ads — run-of-network advertisements, in standard sizes only, that can be plugged into a publisher’s unsold space inventory. Filler ads pay on a per-click basis.
“The primary drawback to using Custom AdZones is that FillerAds are not available,” he said. “This is to protect our network advertisers from unqualified blind clicks. So [CustomAds] primarily is for larger websites that have attractive space that advertisers want to buy directly. Any publishers who rely on income from our FillerAds should not switch.”
Jay also said smaller sites can benefit from the service, but those with unique ad-placement spots and enough real estate to make worthwhile an advertiser’s investment in the creative process will see the most interest from both advertisers and consumers — and consequently, the biggest return.
In addition, “Publishers need to understand how to make a template for their ad. How complicated they make it is up to them. Experienced webmasters are generally the only people who will want to use this system. Most publishers will still find it more beneficial to choose an existing ad format. When they set up a Custom AdZone, they can choose a custom image size which may be a size that advertisers don’t have creatives made for already.”
Custom AdZones launched Monday in limited beta mode. Publishers who desire more information about the system or would like to be invited to join the beta test may contact a JuicyAds support representative via any means listed on the “contact” page at the company’s website, JuicyAds.com.