It Is About Sex and Money
Much has been said in the last year concerning revenue and how to raise profits
for webmasters and the newcomer to this entertainment sector yet only a few seem to really
have a grip on the key to success. If your profits seem to be shrinking these few tips may bring
you back into the “black” side of your profit and loss statement. Marketing for mass profits
means simply, marketing your product in mass numbers.
For the most part website owners spend more than half of their time submitting to search
engines and marketing off line . These are “must do” chores but instead of consuming all of your
time marketing, I suggest that you spend half of your day (or night) duplicating your sites. Not
once or twice or ten times but by a HUNDRED. Do it again and again. Yes, now you’ve got the
picture and the how to is easier that you may believe, just follow these steps to your yellow brick
Step1. Make a master file of three or four types of pages; one blank TGP, one blank general site
for half page or full page sponsor ads, one blank link list, one blank banner farm and one for
paid or free content.
Setp 2. Get additional content or sponsors
Step 3. Save time: Automate you site submissions or farm it out
Step 4. Make a small simple site every day (more if you have time or staff). Cut and paste
existing master html content, graphics, codes etc; then repeat same.
Step 5. Buy or design one or two small Flash intros and rotate the code between the other pages.
Again keep it simple and generic.
Do the numbers, the WORST case could be $10.00 a month per site x the number of sites.
$10.00 x 300? maybe $20.00 x 500 sites or by 1,000 pages? Where do you get the time?
You’ve probably got the time; it is simply a matter of managing it. If not, there are hundreds of
design firms that will take the overflow work. Some firms (like ours) will sell you the masters for
a one time fee and will duplicate them for you at a reduced or flat rate.
Whatever you decide to do with you time is your decision just remember, IT IS ABOUT SEX