Hentaied Pro Unleashes a ‘Dark Miracle’
BUDAPEST, Hungary – If you think terrestrial healthcare has problems, just wait until you get a load of what extraterrestrial healthcare is like! Just when you think you’re on the mend – whammo! – that alien parasite you ingested has side effects that make your olanzapine hallucinations look like a Disney film.
In the latest offering from the Hentaied Universe, the Roberto Di Suna-directed “Dark Miracle,” Ella Hughes is taking care of her gravely ill friend, Shelena, who is laid out on the couch, breathing heavily and barely able to lift a finger. The phone rings and Ella is forced to leave her ailing friend’s side, unaware that she’s leaving Shelena at the mercy of a slimy parasite that is (presumably) not of this earth.
While on the phone, Ella learns that Shelena isn’t going to get the medication she desperately needs, so they must prepare for the worst. Or, prepare for what they think the worst to be, only because they don’t realize they’re living in the Hentaied Universe, where things can always get even worse than what you thought was the worst.
When Ella returns to the room, she’s stunned to see Shelena on her feet and feeling fine. They’re both so happy about the miraculous recovery that they don’t question how it’s possible, whether a monkey’s paw might be involved, or whether other mysterious forces might be at work.
The miracle cure turns out to be the beginning of a whole new nightmare. Shelena’s eyes turn pale, her veins turn dark and slime begins oozing out of her mouth. This isn’t the mumps; this is demonic/alien parasitical possession. And there’s only one place this leads: rough, wild sex.
Now taken over by the parasite, Shelena attacks Ella, passes her the parasite and before you know it, they’re tearing off each other’s clothes and ravaging each other like… well, like a couple of women who have been infected by fiendishly horny, possibly alien, parasites.
“This scene is very ironic,” said Hentaied creator/producer Romero, Mr. Alien. “Ella prepares for the worst, but everything seems to turn around. Then, the nightmare begins, and the parasite infects them with no end in sight. The title ‘Dark Miracle’ is very fitting.”
You can watch all the parasitical fun of “Dark Miracle” now, on Hentaied.pro.