FSC Launches Age-Verification ‘Action Modal’ for Adult Sites
In a post published on the organization’s blog Wednesday, the Free Speech Coalition (FSC) announced the release of a snippet of code which can be included on adult websites that pops up a notice informing site visitors from states considering age-verification legislation of their legislators’ intent and encouraging visitors to express their opposition to such bills.
“Attention (state name) Residents,” the first line of the pop-up reads, “Legislators in (state name) are about to pass a law that could force you to upload government ID and scan your face every time you access adult content.”
“You have a right to privacy online!” the message continues. “And you can help stop this bill if you act now. Tell your representative to oppose this bill NOW!”
Below the message, smaller text reads “Not in (state name)? Learn more about why you could be affected by this law.”
“The best way to influence legislators is through their voters – your website’s users,” the FSC said in the blog post. “That’s why FSC made this free, simple-to-use tool for websites. It helps your users take action to prevent age-verification from passing in their state!”
The code required to generate the popup message is a single line, which is available in the FSC blog post.
“When a user visits your website, the script checks to see whether they have already seen the pop-up (using a cookie),” FSC explained. “If not, it checks whether they are in a state with a pending age-verification bill. If they are, it displays a pop-up window asking them to oppose the bill.”
Clicking anywhere on the page, including on the links embedded in the pop-up window, closes the pop-up window and all links clicked on the pop-up open in a new browser window or tab.
“Whether or not the user clicks the links, the cookie is set, ensuring that they do not see the message again,” FSC noted.
According to FSC, visitors from “any state with pending age-verification legislation” will see the pop-up window, with a list of states kept current on Github, where the code itself is stored.
For more information on the new action modal from FSC, go to the FSC blog.