From the Trenches: Random Summer Kindness
I personally look forward to every issue of the Houston-based Adult Quest Magazine, particularly to read everything what Publisher John Gray so adroitly writes; he’s always entertaining, enlightening, and full of down-to-earth wisdom.This month, I was overjoyed to read his report about Denzel Washington’s visit to some of America’s recovering wounded warriors at Brooks Army Medical Center. Besides his time, Denzel also contributed to the Fisher Houses where soldiers’ families stay while visiting their hospitalized soldiers; you simply have GOT to read about his generous on-the-spot gift, it will make you happy, so read page 16 of the August Adult Quest Magazine, or find it at It’s truly a HUGE heart-warming All-American contribution! Hint, he pulled out his checkbook and wrote one for construction of an entire Fisher House – WOW!
The thought occurs to me that perhaps one of the reasons some hypocritical religious people might pick out “causes” to target, or support, could possibly be a matter of them brown-nosing their God in the belief/hope that they have a better shot of getting into Heaven. I wonder if such folks, many of whom believe that God knows everything, understand that God might actually frown on hypocrites who fantasize about sex, masturbate, etc, but then deal with their after-feelings by criticizing others who do/think/act-out the same thing that the brown-nosing hypocrites had themselves just done. I guess we should pray for these brown-nosing folks, and also for the priests and non-Catholic clergy who act angelic but who do/think/fantasize about sexually shameful things like what happened to some altar boys and youth in the past! As a former altar boy, one who was not abused or hit upon by priests (maybe they hinted, but I was too naïve to realize it?), I feel that God gave humans the gift of sex to be enjoyed by consenting adults as a natural, normal, and healthy aspect of life, NOT to be scorned by hypocritical brown-nosing people who want to saddle us normal humans with their guilty feelings, actions, and overbearing opinions. Some people just don’t get “it”!
Like last year and the year before, I went on a San Diego police “ride-along” a few weeks ago. I guess I’m one of those adrenalin “junkies” of sorts who enjoys the high-speed patrol car response to emergencies, sort of like being at an amusement park and experiencing all the scariest rides. The “hot-prowl” calls, hustling to a call where a prowler is actually in a home or business, fall into the aforementioned category for me – exciting, but also potentially dangerous! It reminds me a bit of my Army days as a paratrooper jumping out of airplanes. Like past years, I was thoroughly impressed by the multitasking abilities of the police officer I accompanied during the 2pm-midnight Friday night shift covering the beach/bars/residential areas. Police have to be on their toes and attentive to everything going one, yet provide helpful assistance to citizens.
I was particularly happy to see how caring, respectful, and dignified they treated a suicide victim (and her friends, neighbors, and co-workers) who we encountered during the shift; she was a 25-year old beautiful young lady who apparently might have taken her own life due to being depressed by a break-up with her long-time boyfriend. The San Diego Medical Examiner’s Office arrived on scene to gather information with which to determine the situation surrounding the death, and like the police and responding paramedics, fire department, and coroner’s staff, treated the entire matter in a totally professional manner. I was very proud of all the involved officials who responded just after Officer J.H. and I arrived on scene. Yes, she left a suicide note that was found near her.
Now for something coincidental; I knew the victim. She worked as a bartender at a gentlemen’s club where three days earlier she served me my glass of merlot wine and my steak dinner. Looking down at her at the scene and recognizing her kinda jolted my heart a bit. She had many friends, and I later was able to comfort them somewhat by having been inside her house at the scene, and letting them know how professional and respectful the police and others were of her.
Smart phones are in the news a lot lately. As I opined in the past, mobile delivery systems of porn might well become a major distribution means. I own approximately 500 Internet domains with one of the following words in them – mobile, cell, and pod. Naturally, I hope to financially profit from my prediction of the past concerning mobile deliver platforms; I could use the revenues to get haircuts!
Summer is almost over already. I hope you all got to enjoy it, your loved ones, and the fun things that summer weather facilitates. Welcome Fall, as it brings with it weather that’s made for snuggling couples, and for enjoying sex. Get ready, because 2010 will be here before you know it!