Fertility Equals More Money for Strippers
ALBUQUERQUE, NM — According to a study conducted by a psychologist from the University of New Mexico, ovulation equals money in the garter for strippers.Researchers worked with the dancers performing in various Albuquerque, NM clubs and calculated the tips the girls made doing lap dances. Dancers averaged $70 during their peak week of fertility, compared to $35 during the week of their periods, and $50 in between those two extremes.
Psychologist Geoffrey Miller, who led the study, attributed the income changes for the strippers to changes in body scent, waist-to-hip ratio, and facial features. Despite operating at the upper limits of flirtatiousness already, he told Psychology Today that there may also be subtle shifts in their behavior during different times in their fertility cycles — “how they talk and move when enticing a customer to buy a dance, and how they perform the dance itself.”
Women on birth control pills made less in tips than other women and had no peak performance time versus those not taking the pill, averaging $37 compared to $53. This means being on the pill could cost a stripper a lot of cash in tips every year.
Miller advises every woman in a service industry — not just those working the pole – that she should note her cycle and schedule herself accordingly to take advantage of the tip boom.
“It might help to know about this so that you can exploit these effects,” he said.