Fappy Bunny Takes Center Stage in New ‘Do It On a Bunny’ SFW YouTube Video
Stars Sabina Magic and Adriana attempt to play Fappy Bunny, the only mobile game which interacts directly with a major sex toy, while riding Motorbunny in Do It On a Bunny: Fappy Bunny iPhone Game Edition, the newest installment of the SFW viral sensation. To view the newest episode, click here.
As the first mobile game designed to interact directly with a pleasure device, Fappy Bunny works much like the breakout game Flappy Bird, which was the most downloaded free game in the Apple App Store in 2014. It features the Fappy Bunny character navigating through a gauntlet of dangerous obstacles with the aid of users who can control the bunny by tapping the screen on their mobile device. The character’s altitude determines the intensity of Motorbunny’s “buzz” control, and when it crashes, the Motorbunny briefly reaches full power before scaling things back.
Click here to visit the Apple App Store and download Fappy Bunny.
The Do It On a Bunny viral video series features models and influencers attempting various creative activities while riding atop the award-winning pleasure machine. The new clip features Sabina and Adriana as they play the official Motorbunny mobile game FappyBunny, which uses haptic technology to make the ride-on-top vibe shake in accordance to the actions of the game. If you fall in the game, you really feel it.
The video series launched in 2017 with holiday-themed editions for Thanksgiving, Christmas and, even a Pottery Edition featuring a sexy model with her significant other as they re-created the iconic pottery scene from the movie Ghost while riding Motorbunny. To date, there are nine episodes in the series, with more to come.
To see more videos from the Do It On a Bunny series, subscribe to the Motorbunny YouTube Channel by clicking here.
In addition to the original Motorbunny, Motorbunny BUCK recently came to market as the first and only power vibrator & thruster hybrid. The innovative Bluetooth-enabled Motorbunny LINK Controller, coupled with a new MB LINK app, allows users to control the various speeds and frequency of the “buzz” and “twirl” functions from their mobile phone or tablet. Users can control Motorbunny with a tablet in the same room and over the Internet.
For more information, visit Motorbunny.