Facebook Boosts Daily User Growth to 1.45 Billion
Amongst – perhaps even in spite of — massive criticism over data privacy, Facebook flexed its social media muscle and showed the resiliency of its advertising machine via its most recent user stats update. TechCrunch recently reported that the social media giant bested Wall Street’s $11.41 billion revenue estimate in its Q1 2018 earnings report by pulling in $11.97 billion in revenue with $1.69 EPS compared to the $1.35 estimate.
In terms of public opinion and internal struggles, this was perhaps the most tumultuous quarter the site has experienced since it went public. Facebook faced intense criticism regarding its data privacy practices, and, according to TechCrunch, last quarter marked Facebook’s first-ever decline in users. This was evidenced by a 700,000 user drop in the U.S. and Canadian markets.
But don’t be fooled – Facebook is not tailspinning, not even close. Though they may have lost users in some regions, they added 48 million daily active users overall to hit 1.45 billion, and both daily and monthly users are up thirteen percent year-over-year according to TechCrunch.
During an “earnings call” (also reported on by TechCrunch) that occurred on Apr. 25, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg shared that 200 million people are now in “meaningful Groups,” up from 100 million last year. WhatsApp Status has pulled away as the most popular of Facebook’s Snapchat Stories clones — up to 300 million daily users. This is equal to Instagram Stories as of the last time Facebook provided a stat.
Though never one to begrudge an entity its successes, these markers are both frustrating and disconcerting. Facebook can apparently do whatever it wants and still grow, though what’s interesting is a decline in users on its (relative) “home turf” as opposed to extra-north American growth.
In truth, all of this would actually be fine if only Facebook et al weren’t so darn anti-porn and inconsistent when it comes to their policies regarding sexual imagery and controversial sentiments.