Darklady’s Men In Adult: Marc Womack
SATIRE, USA — Although surprised by how difficult it is to get prospective Men in Adult to respond to MIA profile requests, I have bravely soldiered on, wading ever closer to the hemline through the murky depths of the gene pool occupied by the male online adult entertainment professional. While taking a long hot shower and reflecting on the fun that was the YNOT.com Cybernet Expo room party, it hit me like a straight shot of Columbian Tapetusa: Marc Womack.What man in adult is more of a Man In Adult than Marc Womack? Unabashed in his admiration for large, natural breasts (on women) and thought-provoking in his casual references to anal sex and prostate stimulation, Womack has brought the world many uncountable instances of sexual enlightenment, in addition to engaging dialogues and debates. Indeed, Marc Womack is precisely the kind of XY chromosome-bearing paragon of virtue that “Darklady’s Men In Adult” was made to showcase: one who will respond to my email in the affirmative.
Allow me to introduce you to Marc Womack.
Eyes: True blue
Hair: Brown
Best Body Part: My left testicle (it hang slower)!
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Flower: Rose (Guns ‘n Roses fanatic)
Favorite Song: “Better” by Guns ‘n Roses off the unreleased Chinese Democracy album. Those nine tracks that got leaked recently FUCKING ROCK!
Confidence Building Garment: My old Kevlar-lined motorcycle jacket
Underwear: Cue scratchy Tom Petty voice: “cuz I’m free, free-ballin’!”
Favorite Platitude: “Live and learn, dance and burn; sometimes it’s best to walk away!”
How long have you been involved in the adult internet?: Since 1994.
What did you do prior to working in the adult internet?: I started in the “biz” way back in college working for Adam & Eve. Before that were a string of lame jobs. I almost worked for Blockbuster. They said I was hired but I had to come in and take a drug test. I was a complete pothead in college, so I wound up drinking more than 200 fluid ounces of everything from water to cranberry juice to straight vinegar in 24 hours… all trying to flush out my system. I get in to take the test and the fuckers take a hair sample! I smoked so much pot I think my hair had a green tinge to it! So that didn’t work out…
What jobs have you performed while working within the adult internet?: I launched AdamEve.com. I launched ConsumptionJunction.com, which grew into SickSiteNetwork / CJTraffic and finally MadisonAvenue.com.
What are you doing currently?: Selling traffic like a damn used car salesman! MadisonAvenue.com takes up 99-percent of my time. Aside from selling traffic, we also provide a kick ass free ad rotation solution for Publishers. Back in the CJ days, all we had to do was keep advertisers happy. Now we have to do that and and keep publishers happy. More work, but I’ll take that over having to run a surfer site. Ungrateful fucks. I’m still a little bitter. Provide a kick-ass free site for nine years (ConsumptionJunction) without charging them a cent — and they still complain? Had a lot to do with why I sold it…
What was it about the industry that attracted you? What keeps you involved?: Remember, I was in college when I got involved. At that point it was the chance to rummage through a warehouse full of smut and get paid to watch it. Adam & Eve used to have this program where you’d “review” videos to make sure they didn’t have anything appealing to a prurient nature. Frikkin awesome. After that it was really just the people in the biz; so open to new ideas and such a word-of-mouth industry. You fucked someone and every knew. Let me specify — I mean that if you fucked someone over everyone knew… but that’s true if you just stick your dick in someone, too.
Have you ever found your gender to be a hindrance to your professional success? If so, how? If not, why not?: Somewhat in that we’re only just now getting in to the gay traffic market. Just not my world so not something I knew about. That and I spent WAY too much time over the past year or so working on my relationship instead of working. Lot of good it did, she left me. So now I get to concentrate on work!?! Nah, I’m not bitter! 🙂
Do you feel that adult industry career options for men have increased
or decreased over the years? Why, and in what way?: There has always been incredibly high demand for performers who could… well… perform. As for the business aspects, I actually see them shrinking; but that’s not gender-specific. It’s tough times, so folks are consolidating and cutting back on labor.
Do you feel that your hard work is rewarded fairly when compared to that of women doing similar work?: I’m my own boss, so my reward is whatever profit I can manage to scrape out. If I want a raise, I just have to improve the bottom line. In that respects, it’s identical to a woman. Any woman can start her own biz and make little or no profit, same as me!
Have you ever been emotionally or sexually objectified while working in adult? If so, how? How did you deal with it?: Yeah, but I’m the type of guy that’s fine with it. I have no problem being someone’s fuck toy. The only time it every got under my skin was in college when I was dating the daughter of the founder of the Record Bar / Traxx chain of music stores. She’d take me around to all her Durham Academy functions and show me off. That relationship probably lasted longer than it should have because she was the only woman I’ve ever met who’s pussy literally smelled like roses. Amazing.
Since your work is within an industry of an overtly sexual nature, how to do protect yourself emotionally and maintain your self esteem?: Honestly I’ve never had any problems with either. I’ve always had a very strong sense of self. I think I’m an honest and decent person, so if someone else doesn’t think so, I don’t really give a fuck. That and I long ago decided if someone didn’t have the nuts to talk to me about something I did to piss them off, then I really shouldn’t worry about it.
The only down side I’ve found about being in such a sexually charged industry is that I haven’t been able to masturbate to print materials in years. Simply can’t do it. Gotta be at least video, and I’m getting to the point where it’s gotta be a live show!
Given how many women work in the industry (think talent, if nothing else), how has being in the minority gender affected you professionally? Personally?: Professionally, it hampers the sales aspect a bit. Guys would always prefer to speak with a female sales person. Really a competitive advantage. Fortunately, I live in the Philippines, where laws are totally different. I could put out a want ad for a bi-sexual female with no kids who lives with her parents and that would be perfectly legal.
As for how it’s affected me personally, I dig it. Call me callous, but it’s more chances to get laid. Another thing I like about this industry is that a much higher percentage than the general public understand that sex just solely for the fun of sex isn’t a mortal sin that will cause you to burn in a pile of donkey dung for all eternity.
Have you ever felt pressured into doing anything sexually that you weren’t comfortable with? If so, how did you handle it and how did people react?: Yeah, frickin’ Kayla Quinn wanted so badly to stick her thumb in my ass in the hot tub at a Florida show. Honestly the thumb part didn’t have me as worried as the fact that god knows what was in that water! I don’t want to get Kayla in trouble. I didn’t feel sexually harassed or anything. I took it like a man and didn’t back down from the challenge. Wait, can you sound macho and say you took it like a man when you’re talking about being anally penetrated?
Has being a Man in Adult affected your personal life? If so, how?: Not really. One absolute requirement for me to be attracted to a woman is she has to be open-minded. If she’s ok with my constant flatulence, never-ending sex drive, public outbursts of profanity, popping wood when dancing with her mom, etc., she doesn’t have a problem with me working in the adult industry.
What stereotypes about men would you like to see done away with?: That big feet or big hands means a big dick. Sadly, I’ve been accused of false advertising before! Never claimed to be another John Holmes here! Of course, that big ass tongue I’m always flashing might give them that idea… Whatever.
All joking aside, I’d probably love it if folks wouldn’t think that all men are like me: a dirty horndog. Those that aren’t get lumped in with me. They’re not happy with it. I’m not happy with the unjustified competition.
Surrounded by so much estrogen, what do you do to take care of, nurture, and/or reward your masculine self after a long day in the porn mines?: Once in a while I like to really seduce myself. I’ll light up some candles, draw a hot bath, put on some romantic music, and really put some effort into generating a huge-honkin’ naval puddle!
What advice do you have for men who may be considering a career in
the adult internet?: Make damn sure you’ve got a strong sense of who you are because you’re gonna be judged by people you care about. Make damn sure you build a stellar reputation for yourself. Don’t fuck around. Also, don’t get caught up in the partying scene too much. I know so many people who only work enough to be able to afford to make it to the next show and the show (for them) only exists to party. No business to do there! Wrong. Get to work, fucker!
What would you like all the women in adult to most understand about men in adult?: Manual stimulation of the prostate gland can be quite pleasurable? Two anal intrusion references in one writing session! Now I’m gay.
Again, that not all guys are horndogs. I’m in that phase just b/c I’m recently out of a long term relationship, but I’m sure in a few months I’ll be back to being a nice guy. There are tons of scumbags out there, but ladies don’t miss out on a good guy just b/c you think every guy in this biz would prefer to get you drunk and horny… that’s no different than any other industry!