Poises for a Comeback
YNOT – In an effort to attract new affiliates and overcome some of the concerns voiced by current affiliates, adult sponsor program has upped its revshare percentage, added a pay-per-join option and lowered the minimum earnings that trigger check issuance.“Starting April 1, we will be lowering the minimum payouts to $50,” said AndyR, the operation’s new affiliate manager. According to brass, AndyR’s suggestions led to many of the changes. “Also on April 1, payouts will occur on the 1st and 15th of each month.”
In addition, in order to ensure the new system gets off to a smooth start, all affiliate commissions accrued as of March 16 will be issued on March 16.
“So, if you have a $14 balance, you will receive a check for $14,” AndyR said.
“We also have upped our payouts to 60 percent on all recurring members, and we are now paying $35 on all joins — two great options,” he added.
He also advised affiliates who have elected to receive payments through ePassporte to contact him if, by the end of the day March 16, they haven’t seen funds they believe are due them.
“We have already sent thousands out via ePassporte, but some people have yet to be confirmed, so we need to hear from you,” he said.
Changes are occurring on the consumer side, as well, AndyR noted.
“We’ve streamlined our sites,” he said. “Instead of spreading ourselves thin with scarce updates, we have merged many of the non-converting sites into one mega-site that is converting very, very well due in large part to our exclusive [high-definition] content and seven-days-a-week updates. is fast becoming a huge hit with both reviewers and members. All the sites that have been redirected to BelAir carry over your affiliate code, so not to worry.”
He said new promotional materials are in the works for the mega-site, including more than 1,000 hosted galleries. Banners are available now.
“We are coming back strong to regain your trust and your confidence in us,” AndyR said. “We have all the tools necessary to make this a hugely successful network of sites, and we are giving you those tools to make it profitable for us all.
“We want your support and we want you to be confident in our program,” he continued. “We know that to have your 100-percent support for our program we need to work hard, and we are dedicated to doing that 24/7.”
Questions and comments may be directed to AndyR or other support staff via email.
For more information about the program, its sites and its payment systems, visit