Building Successful TGP Galleries in a Saturated Free Porn Market
One of the most common ways to promote an adult Web site is through use of thumbnail picture galleries submitted to Thumbnail Gallery Posts (TGPs). The problem is that the market is saturated with free galleries that are spread over thousands of TGPs worldwide.One of the most common ways to promote an adult Web site is through use of thumbnail picture galleries submitted to Thumbnail Gallery Posts (TGPs). The problem is that the market is saturated with free galleries that are spread over thousands of TGPs worldwide. There is plenty of discussion about whether all this free porn is good or bad, and many argue that it’s going to somehow dilute or kill the need for membership sites. Until that time comes, you’re probably going to submit galleries to promote other adult sites. So how does one create a gallery that sells in this oversaturated market?
Your goal is simple: Get Web surfers to open their wallets. What you promote is very important, of course. Without good teaser content you won’t sell much. So begin by asking yourself this question: Is the site I’m promoting different from others? If yes, how is it different? Having answers to these simple questions will help you formulate your gallery pitch.
Also, consider that when promoting a Web site with a free gallery you are essentially designing a cover or a product box, if you will. This “product box” needs to have all the elements of a smart marketing push.
Let’s take a real world example. You’re killing some time, so you walk into a record store like Tower Records and browse the aisles without anything in particular in mind. You like music and you’re always looking for something new, something quality, and maybe something unique. You walk the isles glancing left and right and then you spot a cool-looking CD cover. Maybe it was the colors, or a graphic or an image that caught your eye. Regardless, your attention is now focused on that CD. You picked it up, look it over and decide to make a purchase. Selling a Web site is similar – with thousands of galleries available to surfers, you must design yours so that it somehow stands out.
As mentioned above, content is key, but you don’t want to give away the farm. Finding the right sponsor to promote can be time consuming, but worth the time spent. After all, trying to promote yet another site with the same old story line and the same old content is counterproductive and won’t result in a hefty paycheck.
When you decide what images or movies to include in your gallery, pick the ones that tease. Some nudity and some explicit scenes are good, but make sure that the content you use is a short summary of the entire movie and a sample of what’s inside the member’s area of the pay site you’re promoting. Have you ever watched a Hollywood movie preview and pretty much got the entire movie from the previews? That’s bad – try not to do the same.
In addition, your gallery design needs to be simple. Don’t try to create or replace the Web site tour with a graphical extravaganza. Your job is to get the surfer interested enough to click a link to the site – let the site itself make the final sale. In essence, you’re the opener, in sales terms, and the Web site is the closer. And if the site you’re promoting does a bad job closing the sale, then maybe it’s time to try another sponsor.
In addition to picking the right sponsors your gallery should be appealing in other respects, such as overall design. Current statistics show that only around 50% of the US population has access to broadband, so you must make your gallery usable to both dial-up and broadband surfers. Try to make your html light; avoid fancy backgrounds, extremely large headers or banners, and other graphical elements that don’t do anything but take the eye off the important things such as your descriptions and content. Pick compatible colors, and use text where possible. Enhance your sample photos and movies with text that describes what’s going on, but keep it short and simple. Also, avoid unnecessary and annoying flashing banners and buttons. And lastly, include short catchy phrases that point out why the site you’re promoting is special or different. For example, if the site content is exclusive, point that out. Sometimes it also helps to use explicit language when writing promotional text and descriptions. Remember that the overwhelming majority of your potential customers are males, and males like raunchy stuff.
As a final comment I’d like to advise you pick sponsors that sell the topics you enjoy yourself. If you don’t like shaved blondes holding red balloons then chances are you won’t be able to come up with supporting text and graphics to promote the niche. On the other hand if you do like blondes with red balloons then description words and other promotional ideas will pour out of you.
Andre is the owner, content producer, marketer, head pervert, dishwasher, and janitor for He also has marketing responsibilities with, and has his own radio show ( that focuses on smart Web design and usability. He can be reached at