Average Man Gets Less than Three Hours of Orgasm in Lifetime
YNOT – A gynecologist has warned that the hectic pace of modern life means men are spending less time at the peak of sexual bliss than ever before.Dr. Fang Zhuang Wei, a physician at Singapore Gleneagles Hospital, told China Press men are being shortchanged in the bedroom. In fact, he noted, couples often have sex frequently before marriage and just after the ceremony, but within a year the frequency of congress tapers off to a reported twice weekly.
At that rate, a man who experiences the average male orgasm lasting 2.5 seconds will accrue 53 minutes and 20 seconds of sexual nirvana during his peak years, 18-58.
Of course, the longer a man lives, the more orgasms he is likely to have, although they may shorten in duration. A man of 78, for example, who experiences a 2.02-second orgasm each time he has sex will accrue 16 hours of orgasm in his lifetime, the doctor noted.
It is unclear whether the doctor weighed intercourse, blowjobs and masturbation equally.