New on Adult Site Broker Talk: Natalie Pannon of MojoHost
PATTAYA, Thailand – Natalie Pannon of MojoHost is this week’s guest on the Adult Site Broker Talk podcast, the show announced today.
An eleven-year veteran of the adult industry, Natalie has risen from doing tech support to being a decision-maker in sales and marketing roles and finally to her current position of Business Development, Sales, and Marketing (“BDSM”) manager at MojoHost.
In her current role for the company, Pannon’s job is to “take on anything required to develop the business, so her duties are quite varied,” Adult Site Broker Talk noted in announcing her appearance on the show this week. “From sales and marketing to HR and team building, she handles what needs to be done and is confident in the responsibility of showing initiative.”
Pannon, who holds a master’s degree in journalism, worked in a variety of other fields before coming to work for the adult-friendly hosting company. She has worked as a teacher, sold diamonds wholesale, spent time as a barista and as law clerk. She enjoys reading sci-fi and fantasy books and when she goes to a movie, “you can bet it’s about superheroes.”
In the interview, Pannon noted that as a fast-moving and tech-focused company, MojoHost “just never stops” when it comes to introducing new tools and embracing developments in technology.
“I’ve never really found myself in a position where I was bored out of my mind with doing the same repetitive tasks because as soon as I get anywhere close to that, Mojo’s releases a new product that I now need to learn and figure out and sell and talk about and understand, most importantly,” Pannon said. “I think it’s very important for any person that deals with sales or customer service to understand their product. Challenges I’m facing really are just staying on top of all of the new technology we release.”
“It was great having Natalie back on the show,” said Bruce the adult site broker, host of the show and CEO of Adult Site Broker. “She is one of the industry’s brightest and most enthusiastic people.”
You can listen to Natalie Pannon of MojoHost on Adult Site Broker Talk now, at For more information about MojoHost and the products and services offered by the company, go to and follow them on X @mojohost.