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Adult Empire Partners With Savi Transfer
Posted On 24 Jul 2017

Savi Transfer represents a significant upgrade from conventional FTP clients. Boasting transfer capabilities at speeds up to 1100MB/s, the company far exceeds the rates typically expected when moving large files. “There is no real comparison between Savi Transfer and FTP,” said Bob Churchfield, senior systems engineer at Adult Empire. “Since file sizes are likely to increase as 4K HD content becomes more common, speed is a major asset for studios hoping to beef up their amounts of ultra hi-res videos on our website.”
A streamlined software interface, complete with automatic status updates, saves time for both Adult Empire and its content providers. “Their notifications system has made the entire process simpler and easier,” said VOD Lead Encoder Brian Scaletta. “We’re able to track the progress of downloads and bring content into our system in a much more efficient way.”
The efficiency of Savi Transfer’s design also has other benefits. “Savi Transfer is a particularly effective tool for studios with deep catalogs of archival content,” said VOD Account Manager Ryan Wayne. Large libraries can be transferred in a fraction of the time it would take with older FTP clients.
Wayne was also impressed with Savi’s commitment to superior customer service, a unique feature among large-data transfer providers. “One of the best things about Savi is its team. They are always tremendously helpful whenever there are any questions,” he said. This translates to customers getting new content more frequently and production teams being paid faster. Savi also offers encryption of file transfers, aligning with AE’s recent move to the HTTPS security protocol on its family of websites.
For Adult Empire and Savi transfer alike, the partnership represents a technological synergy with abundant mutual benefits. “When file transfer works smoothly, it’s a win-win-win for everyone involved – consumers, producers, and adult entertainment retailers,” said Wayne.
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