A Question on Newsletter Formats
Dear YNOT,
I noticed that you guys send out the YNOT Newsletter in both HTML and text formats.
I have a couple of quick questions:
We would like to send ours out in HTML format also, but how do you get HTML out to, say, members that have an AOL address? I was under the assumption that AOL does not accept HTML.ASK YNOT
Dear YNOT,
I noticed that you guys send out the YNOT Newsletter in both HTML and text formats.
I have a couple of quick questions:
We would like to send ours out in HTML format also, but how do you get HTML out to, say, members that have an AOL address? I was under the assumption that AOL does not accept HTML. Do you separate out the AOL addresses in your mailings and then mail them a text only version? What about other mail clients? How do you know for sure that all other mail programs accept HTML? I am stumped on this one. Do you have a list or some sort of way to tell if a particular domain email address will or will not accept HTML? Please help!
Thanks so much,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Dear Edward,
To put it simply… you don’t. You don’t separate the email addresses or not send to certain people because of their domain — you shouldn’t worry about what the email clients can and can’t accept.
What you DO need to do is give your subscribers a choice to choose the format they’d like to receive themselves. Any mass mail program worth its weight can do this for you. But, if you don’t have access to one of these types of programs, you can develop your own in-house tools fairly easily.
Otherwise, if you check YNOT’s Service Directory Listings, you can find any number of opt-in email programs that can do this for you for about $200, if you happen to have access to your own server to install this software. Hope this helps!