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3fap, The Tri-Orifice Male Sex Toy, Nominated For 2018 AVN ‘O’ Award
Posted On 13 Dec 2017

The product gained notoriety online after its launch due to its core feature: the ability to masturbate into an anus, a vulva, and a mouth, simultaneously. Alternatively men may purchase a separate sleeve that allows them to experience the 3d scanned vulvas of all three winners of the World’s Most Beautiful Vagina Contest. The unorthodox appearance of the product in addition to the ability to control the suction level of each channel caused the product to go viral online.
Gizmodo called it “an awkward 4 pound masturbation sleeve.” Vice (Motherboard) wrote “everything about the 3Fap looks horrendous.” Maxim said it was “thethree-headed Cerberus of sex toys”. But Buzzfeed, overlooking its ergonomics, wrote “The Wait Is Over: You Can Now Put Your Penis In A Mouth-Vagina-Anus Robot.”
Sloan created a song and cartoon video to explain the product’s benefits
3fap inventor Brian Sloan stated:
“I’m happy every time I enhance the masturbation experience for any man, particularly a man who has grown bored with his own hands or the traditional styles of sex toys. Women’s pleasure products are still far ahead of men’s in terms of options and technology and I aim, through my inventions, to bridge that gap.”
Inventor Brian Sloan:
3Fap Links:
3fap’s Indiegogo pitch video
3fap’s Indiegogo pitch page
The website