1 in 5 Brits Would Choose the Bedroom Over the Boardroom
LONDON, ENGLAND — A study commissioned by a leading U.K. recruitment-scoring website found that 20-percent of British workers would rather earn a quick promotion by having sex with their boss than prove their worth the old-fashioned way: by working hard at their jobs.HireScores.com surveyed British workers about the underhanded tactics they’d be willing to employ to get ahead professionally, and one in five reported they’d gladly go down to get ahead.
In addition, 26-percent said they would kiss the boss for an automatic promotion, and 17 percent said they would consider bedding the boss if the money was right.
“Working your way up the career ladder can seem like a daunting task, but with ambition and dedication, impressing your manager can come naturally, without the need for underhanded tactics,” according to Lisette Howlett, managing director of HireScores.com. “If a little bit of commitment and some overtime puts people off that much, then maybe their current career path is not the right one for them.”
The survey found that 39-percent of Brits would choose to work their way up the ladder through long hours with no guarantee of a promotion or pay raise instead of taking a “below-the-belt” route.